How has God impacted you and others through the Forgotten Ministries outreaches you've experienced?



Our team was delivering food boxes at an apartment complex. We met Zalina, a young single mom. After receiving the food box, we shared the Gospel with her and she accepted Christ. We gave her information on the local church. We then moved on to another apartment. We met Maria, an older woman who had moved from Mexico. She told us she was a Christian and a Sunday School teacher while in Mexico, I asked her if she had ever thought of starting a Bible Study here in the complex. She said she would love to do that. I told her about Zalina, the young lady who had just got saved and lived downstairs, I said she needed someone who could disciple her. Maria immediately said she was going to get her shoes and wanted us to introduce her to Zalina. We took her downstairs to meet Zalina. They talked and when we left, they were planning to get together.


"Erin and I lead a family (father, mother, and son) to Christ. All 3 made a public profession of faith. The 19 year old son with tears in his eyes asked if he could have a hug. I returned to take the father a Bible and the son asked if we could give his father a hug. It was really a beautiful moment. After returning home, I received this from the Pastor of the church: The father, Viviano Martinez, our new brother in Christ, wanted me to let you know that he was in church with us today. He wept and shared with me about his family struggles. I prayed with him. Also prayed for his wife and son. He said that he’d be back on Wednesday night. Please help us pray: He and his mother & brothers are estranged. He misses them and finds refuge in alcohol. I preached about “the peace that passes all understanding “. I explained to him that the peace that he gets from alcohol is temporary but Christ’s peace is forever." - Eddie Kessler


"We had a block party at a University in Brownsville, Texas which was across the street from a High School. Send Relief had several activities set up including serving free hotdogs, chips, and drinks. A few of my team sat at a booth for students to sign up for Bible studies or to receive prayer. I was truly amazed at how many of them came to sign up and wanted prayer. After they registered, we would ask them if they knew where they would go if they were to die. Remarkably very few knew the way to heaven. In just a short time (3 hours) at the booth only, we had 22 people make a public profession of faith for Christ. I’ve been going on mission trips for 20 years this year and I have never ever witnessed as fertile ground as I did this day at this University. The total count for the entire block party that day was 34. God is doing something big in the age group of 16-24 right now. God is a good, good Father!"  - Eddie Kessler

God Speaks Through Dreams 

While going through a neighborhood in Chicago on a grillwalk, we came up to a door where no one in the house spoke English (only Spanish). We managed to communicate with the family through a translator. The family was quick to accept burgers, because of that we started sharing the gospel through a translator. In the middle of the gospel presentation members of the family interrupt in awe of what they are hearing. They tell the translator they had received a dream the night before that someone was going to come to their porch to tell them about Jesus. Members of the family decided to dedicate their lives to Jesus in the midst of that conversation