I was raised on a farm 5 miles west of Bison and graduated Hennessey High School. I continued my education at Oklahoma State University where I graduated with a Health and Physical Education degree. I moved to California to pursue a passion of playing In the AVP (Association of Volleyball Professional). As a pro volleyball player the adventures truly never ended until everything changed. I blew out my ankle and my career and dreams were over. My father was a carpenter so that is the path I took. I got my contractor’s license and started a business. In between large jobs we would take off for several months and surf in various parts of the world. The journey was full of adventure and excitement but as we all know, a life of perpetual partying tends to lead down a path of unhappiness and destruction. I was living in Puerto Rico at the time and decided to come back home to California to straighten out my life and attempt to reevaluate my choices.
I was asked to go on a mission trip to Mexico (where there was good surfing of course) and met a group of Christians that truly blew my mind. They were so different than any of the Christians I had encountered before, and quickly became friends with them. One happened to be Sarah, my future wife.
I was invited to go to a place called Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. Skid Row consists of 10,000 homeless in a four block radius filled with gangs, drive-by’s, stabbings, sex trafficking, and prostitutes selling their bodies for 50 cents in the neighborhood porta-potty. I had never seen anything like this, especially in the United States. This single initial visit truly changed everything for me. As I stood, frozen from shock, two of the friends that I was with (one being Sarah) were walking down the street and approached a man named Henry who was infested with maggots and covered in feces. Instead of walking right past him, which is really what I wanted to do, they got on their hands and knees and hugged this dying man. They showed him love and told him about a man named Jesus who loved him and cared about him, who doesn’t care about what he has done in his life, and that that He loved him anyway. At that moment, I saw something in Henry’s eyes that was so life changing for me. I saw a man with a glimmer of hope. I had grown up in the Church basically my whole life, but I had just encountered something so real, and so different.
That night, I surrendered everything, my life, my own desires, and my own agenda. Sarah and I later got married and we opened a mission on Skid Row six days after our honeymoon. I wasn’t equipped, nor an ordained pastor, I didn’t go to seminary, or really even read most of the Bible. We took it one day at a time and the Lord taught me every day when we opened those doors, that although I may not know what to say to these people, Jesus did. As time went on, we worked with endless Churches and community organizations, encouraging them to serve with us as we fed the homeless, gave out clothes, mentored, counseled, taught, and loved on the broken.
When everything seemed to be going well, the Lord threw us a curve ball. We came to Enid, Oklahoma to visit family and as soon as we got off the plane we caught the swine flu! We missed our flights back to LA and as soon as the meds kicked in we decided to check out some of the areas in Enid. I started to knock on doors (because what better way to meet the neighborhood) and I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. The very things that were so obvious on Skid Row; the drugs, alcohol, addictions, sexual abuse, kids hungry and not having efficient clothing, people living under bridges, bushes, behind churches, was all right here in a town that I had grown up so close to. Needless to say, God told us to stay, so we did. We started Forgotten Ministries as a humble outlet for the Church to step out of the four walls and physically love on our community.
We are now a little over 9 years in. We love it! We have seen lives changed, churches getting more involved with the poor, and a community passionate for change. There is no better place to be than in the exact spot Jesus has told you to be.
Tristan and Autumn, each knew they were called to live their lives on missions before they met each other. Autumn surrendered her life to Jesus in 2017 and Tristan in 2019. In the Summer of 2020, while dating, they were both signed up to go overseas for missions. Due to the pandemic, they ended up on The Walk with Forgotten Ministries instead. God captured their hearts for the Marshallese people and called them each to move from Tulsa to Enid as interns. Shortly after arriving, they got engaged and married. They did mission work with Marshallese youth and children for 3 years before transitioning to more work with local mission teams, outreach preparation, and mobilizing churches. Since Becoming staff at Forgotten Ministries in 2020, they have had three beautiful children, Finley (3), and twins Ezekiel and Luke (1). Their evangelistic hearts fill with compassion for the lost and long to see churches step into their purpose as the hands and feet of Jesus.
After overdosing in January 2021, I was sentenced to six months in jail, where I met a man who changed the trajectory of my entire life. He encouraged me to apply for the Oasis Program at Forgotten Ministries. After being in the program for two months, while sitting in a Bible study at Five80 Coffeehouse, the Holy Spirit broke me, and I was ready to give Him everything. After graduating from the program, I knew I wanted to continue my ministry with Forgotten Ministries.
Now, I have the privilege of being the hands and feet of Jesus every day, serving alongside an amazing team. Today, I am actively involved in connecting with churches and engaging in various other aspects of the ministry. My favorite verse is Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me."
Hi, my name is Hayden Tobin. I gave my life to Jesus in 2020. I was lost, addicted to weed and alcohol, and sought out satisfaction from women through relationships. Eventually, I became tired of the burdens I had in my life, which led me to open a bible. When I read the gospels, I found a love like I had never known before. Since then, I have decided to live my life for Christ daily, which eventually led me to intern for Forgotten Ministries in 2021 and move to Enid the very next year. I now lead the college intern program and help out with our kids' program. The drive and motivating factor in my life is the fact that before Christ, I was nothing. Every ounce of worth and purpose came from Him, which compels me to live in obedience to the call He has on my life to share the gospel with no regards to self. Therefore, following the example of love that Christ displayed through his life, death, and resurrection. Favorite Verse: Romans 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God– This is your true and proper worship.”
I have a life worth living now. When my daughter led me to the altar, and I fell on my knees and felt the Holy Spirit fill my heart, I was almost scared of the first feeling of joy I had ever felt. I felt the eyes of my heart open, and see who had been protecting me, and trying to speak to me all my life. With God’s perfect timing, I was able to see his work being done with my own eyes, and he gave me hope. He has given me this gift of love and joy, and I will share this gift as much as he deems possible in this little earthly life. He has placed everything in front of me to be able to share his gospel by sharing his love, and I will forever be obedient to this drive he has given me.